Monday, September 28, 2009


1. The smell of roasting chicken -- lovely at the time, but also wonderful and warming when it's still there in the morning on a damp rainy day.

2. Waking with my nose cold as a dog's, but the rest of me warm as toast, and being able to stay wrapped up and warm as long as I please.

3. Living in a technology-free zone. Lack of my computer has licensed me to ignore the other technological issues here -- a digital camera that doesn't work, a new mike that I haven't opened for my iPod. On the other hand I've been grateful for the iPod and its music which keep sme company as I make and eat dinner/supper. Imagine me listening to: Charles Lloyd, Bill Evans, Keith Jarrett, Art Tatum, Helen Humes, Emmy Lou Harris, Oliver Schroer, and staring out at the eucalypts, the cutting grass, the little pademelon as it grows twilight.

4. Hot dish water! I'll face off TS Eliot for the pleasure of plunging my hands in up to the wrists and letting the heat seep through me. Lovely lovely lovely! (Add to the list of things forgotten: gloves ... those fingerless ones would be a good idea.

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